Friday, September 5, 2008

The most influential book I have ever read and how it changed my thinking

I have read many books in my lifetime so for me there is more than one influential book. With that being said I will cut this post into two books with the first being Rant by Chuck Palahniuk. This book was one of the most influential books to me because it showed me that there is not really a line you can't cross when writing. Chuck Palahniuk is one of my favorite authors, along with Stephen King and James Patterson. Palahniuk doesn't hold back anything in Rant and this thought me that if you are good at writing creatively don't hold back anything. Much of my writing style comes from Palahniuk. The next book would be Fences by August Wilson. This "book" was more like a play but I read this play in around 2 hours. I couldn't put it down. This was influential to me because it got me into script writing, it didn't really change my thinking though.


Oakes (Lisa Forrest) said...

I'm intrigued by the "Fences" book-- and your script writing. Have you had anything published yet?

Daniel J. Gurba said...

No not yet, I haven't really got serious with it yet, a little writing here and there, I am currently writing a book though.